2023 Alumni Reunion Event Details
Save the date!
Important info:
- When: September 9th, 2023, 11:00am CDT Game Time - K-State home game versus Troy University
Important info:
- EVENT REGISTRATION NOW CLOSED! We're excited to see so many of you in September!
- Game Tickets must be purchased, just like last time. NO complimentary tickets. We will provide the discount rate information to all registered attendees on June 14th after registration closes. Everyone must have a ticket to enter the stadium. There will be a limited window to purchase at the discounted rate. If you already have season tickets, or have already purchased tickets, you do not need to order these promo tickets.
- Uniform is Purple KSUAB Band Polo, black nice shorts (no gym/spandex/lycra or short-shorts) or pants, comfortable close-toed athletic-type shoes (remember, lots of walking and marching!). You may wish to wear a hat and sunglasses, and those are fine as long as there are no inappropriate logos on them. You can buy your alumni band polo during registration.
- Music will be made available to registered attendees sometime later in the summer once it has been provided to us by the K-State band office. School songs can be made available upon request to registered participants.
- Please do not direct questions to the band office. Any questions about music, schedule, uniform, etc should come to the KSUAB staff, either to [email protected] or on our Facebook group page.
- This is the same day as Band Director Day, and any alumni band director is welcome and encouraged to participate in both events! (and if you are willing to let us borrow instruments, please send us an email!)
- If you want to be a KSUAB officer for the 2023-2025 term (September to September, two years) please let me know you are interested by game day. You don't have to decide now (though it would be helpful!), but be thinking about it. And if you know anyone that is interested, but isn't available to attend this year, have them contact me as well. We have five officer positions - President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Events Coordinator, and Member-at-Large - and all five are up for election at this biennial reunion in accordance with our organization bylaws. Only participating members present can vote!
- 5:00 am - Registration opens at Indoor Football Facility*
- 6:00 am - BSFS Stadium Rehearsal
- 8:00 am - Meal
- 8:15 am - KSUAB Meeting and Officers Elections
- 8:30 am - Pep bands
- 9:45 am - Block band, March Over
- 10:25 am - KSUMB Play for Students
- 10:40 am - Pre-Game!!
- 11:00 am - Kick Off!!
Tracz Family Band Hall Dedication
When: September 8th, 2023 , 2:00pm CDT
Where: Tracz Family Band Hall in West Stadium Center at WW1 Memorial Stadium
All past, current, and future band members are invited to the Tracz Family Band Hall Official Dedication on September 8th, 2023 at 3:30pm at the Tracz Family Band Hall (inside the West Stadium Center at WW1 Memorial Stadium).
The KSUAB has also been requested to participate at the dedication. This is not a required event, and you do not need to participate in the reunion to attend, but we'd love to have as many as possible to play with the KSUMB at the dedication.
When: September 8th, 2023 , 2:00pm CDT
Where: Tracz Family Band Hall in West Stadium Center at WW1 Memorial Stadium
All past, current, and future band members are invited to the Tracz Family Band Hall Official Dedication on September 8th, 2023 at 3:30pm at the Tracz Family Band Hall (inside the West Stadium Center at WW1 Memorial Stadium).
The KSUAB has also been requested to participate at the dedication. This is not a required event, and you do not need to participate in the reunion to attend, but we'd love to have as many as possible to play with the KSUMB at the dedication.
K-State Alumni Band Golf Cart
The KSUAB is helping the KSUMB purchase a modified golf cart to help move equipment and people around more efficiently on game day. Our goal is to collectively raise $20,000, and 100% of the money donated to the KSUAB will go towards that pool for this much-needed equipment. You can donate over on our dedicated donation page if you want to help. Whether you can give $20 or $2,000, every gift matters and brings us closer to the final goal. Thank you!
The KSUAB is helping the KSUMB purchase a modified golf cart to help move equipment and people around more efficiently on game day. Our goal is to collectively raise $20,000, and 100% of the money donated to the KSUAB will go towards that pool for this much-needed equipment. You can donate over on our dedicated donation page if you want to help. Whether you can give $20 or $2,000, every gift matters and brings us closer to the final goal. Thank you!